When you need money to pay the bills, see a doctor, grow your firm, or cover case cost expenses, the last thing you want to hear is “wait.” At Balanced Bridge Funding, we offer you a range of customized legal funding solutions so when you need your money, you don’t have to wait.
Attorney Funding Solutions

Attorney Post Settlement Funding
Because of structural delays in settlement payouts, attorneys often find themselves waiting months or even years to see their attorney fees. Get paid now with our post-settlement funding option and let your business grow.

Attorney Line of Credit
As business owners, attorneys understand that it takes money to make money. Using our attorney line of credit solution, you don’t have to worry about when your next fee will pay out.

Attorney Voucher Funding
State appointed attorneys are subject to government spending deficits, meaning that payments might get delayed in financial crises. With our voucher funding solution, state appointed attorneys can get their money when they need it.

First Year Attorney Funding
New lawyers can access up to 20% of their first years’ salary with our brand new first year funding program.
Plaintiff Legal Funding Solutions

Plaintiff Post Settlement Funding
Even after a case reaches its conclusion, a settlement might be subject to delays. Get access to your settlement award immediately after a case concludes with our post-settlement funding option.